Good Energy Collective is committed to creating an inclusive, collaborative environment in all our endeavors. By participating with Good Energy as an employee, board member, contributor, event participant, consultant, or volunteer (henceforth collectively referred to as a participant), you are agreeing to the Code of Conduct outlined here.
The open exchange of ideas, freedom of thought and expression, and productive debate are central to the mission of Good Energy. This requires an open and diverse environment that is built on dignity and mutual respect for all participants and is free of bias and intimidation. Therefore, Good Energy is dedicated to providing a safe, welcoming, and productive experience for all participants regardless of age, color, creed, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, marital status, military service status, geographic origin, parental status, physical appearance, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. Good Energy will not tolerate harassment of or by any participant in any form, including discriminatory harassment or microaggressions.
The following are some basic social rules, adapted from the Recurse Center, to make explicit certain norms of social behavior that help uphold the values listed above as well as our ethical guidelines. If you mess up on any of the below, don’t panic: we all make mistakes sometimes. Apologize, reflect, move forward.
Respect for the integrity of each employee in the performance of his or her job is basic to Good Energy’s core values. Good Energy strives to create a workplace free from discrimination and harassment. To that end, Good Energy strictly forbids discrimination or harassment of any kind, including discrimination or harassment based on race, culture/language religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, age, disability including pregnancy, veteran status, military service, genetic information, receipt of free medical care, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state, or local law. In addition to violating Good Energy policy, harassment of any kind in the workplace is unlawful.
Harassment is behavior that is hostile or offensive. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Harassment does not require intent to offend; harassment includes actions above that are intended to be jokes, "kidding," or "teasing".
Harassment does not include consensual personal and social relationships conducted in private spaces.
All participants are expected to treat other participants with professionalism and respect. Participants are expected to refrain from all harassing behavior toward any individual. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately, whether or not the request comes from someone in an authority position.
Creation of a safe and welcoming environment is a shared responsibility held by all participants. Harassment and other violations of this policy reduce the value of participation for everyone, not just those on the receiving end. Participants who believe they are witnessing or experiencing harassing behavior are encouraged, though not required, to ask the offender to stop the unwelcome behavior by referencing this policy. Participants are equally encouraged to exercise their option to leave a situation that makes them feel targeted or unsafe.
If you or someone else experiences harassment, regardless of how you otherwise choose to initially handle the situation, you are encouraged to report the situation to Good Energy Collective employees or board members (see the “Reporting and Enforcement" section). Additionally, if you have an incident to report, please report it as soon as possible. The most effective method of resolving actual or perceived harassment is early identification and intervention.
If you have an incident to report, you may contact Good Energy Executive Director Jessica Lovering; any board member; or, if at an event, the designated person listed in the event program. Any person in the above outlined roles, or in any other managerial capacity, upon becoming aware of an incident of harassment, must immediately report this to the executive director. If the executive director is the subject of the complaint, the chair of the board should be notified.
If you are the target of harassing conduct and feel comfortable doing so, you should respond to that conduct in a way that demonstrates that the conduct is unwelcome. However, you are not required to complain directly to the offending individual.
Good Energy Collective strongly encourages you to report the behavior as soon as possible, as we are committed to stopping inappropriate behavior even if it doesn’t rise to the level of a violation of law. You can raise concerns and make reports without fear of retaliation. A person does not have to have been a victim, target, or direct witness of the conduct in order to make a report. Reports may be made orally or in writing.
All allegations of discrimination or harassment will be promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigated. The investigation will be conducted in as confidential a manner as is possible to the extent possible consistent with a fair investigation. Investigations will generally proceed as follows:
At the conclusion of the investigation, findings will be submitted to the executive director, or if that person is the accused, to the chair of the board. When the investigation is completed, both the person making the complaint and the person accused will be informed in general terms of the outcome of the investigation.
An individual who is accused of discrimination or harassment shall not play any role in administering or making decisions under this Procedure.
Action for participants found to have violated this policy may include: restorative remediation, reprimand, expulsion from an event or activity with or without a refund, temporary or permanent exclusion from all Good Energy events and activities, and/or suspension or expulsion from the capacity in which they engage with Good Energy, including employment, as appropriate.
For more detail on the complaint resolution procedure, or if you have other questions about the Respectful Behavior Policy, please contact Executive Director Jessica Lovering.
This policy is adapted from: