
Progressive nuclear policy for a brighter future
zoomed out shot of neighborhood in front of mountain range

Our Mission

Good Energy Collective is a policy research organization. We're building the progressive case for nuclear energy as an essential part of the broader climate change agenda and working to align the clean energy space with environmental justice and sustainability goals.

We develop smart policies at every scale to accelerate the just and equitable deployment of advanced nuclear technologies. Our research is rooted in social science and champions a whole-of-government approach, so that communities can go from ideas, to development, to thoughtful and effective deployment faster and more efficiently.

Why We Do It

We believe all communities should have equitable access to clean energy that will meet their needs and create high-quality jobs. Nuclear energy is up to the task, but it’s going to need to look different. We don’t just mean new technologies—the entire industry needs to change from the ground up. Nuclear needs to grapple with the injustices of its history. We need a social science policy research agenda to match the engineering innovations. And most importantly, we need a diverse group of rising leaders who can partner with the climate movement to create an aggressive, coherent vision to address climate change and inequality. We wanted to create a new kind of organization that would do just that, and we’re ready to get out hands dirty.

Good Energy is a nonprofit organization. We operate using a "worker-self-directed" nonprofit model, so that Good Energy members can have greater agency and influence as part of our organization.



Good Energy is funded by a community of small donors and philanthropic organizations that share our commitment to a just clean energy transition. Please visit our donation page, if you'd like to learn more or give today.

Read our policy agenda

Conduct and Ethics

We’ve put together a Code of Conduct that lays out how we expect everyone to conduct themselves while participating with Good Energy Collective, including staff and Board members. Our employees and Board members also commit to abide by our Statement of Ethical Behavior.

DEI Statement

Read our DEI Statement

Good Energy Collective has an unequivocal commitment to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).