September 26, 2024

Our Statement on the Nuclear Waste Administration Act of 2024

On Sept. 26, Good Energy released the following statement from Senior Policy Analyst Cleo Schroer and Policy Analyst Julia Sweatman.

“We’re at a pivotal moment in nuclear waste management. After decades of inaction, we’re seeing significant strides toward creating a just and equitable siting process for U.S. spent nuclear fuel. The Department of Energy’s consent-based siting consortia initiative has been a core part of this groundswell of support. We applaud Rep. Mike Levin (CA-49) and Rep. August Pfluger (TX-11) for introducing the bipartisan Nuclear Waste Administration Act of 2024, a clear advancement toward a more modern, equitable nuclear waste management program. 

“This bill builds on the core consent-based principles of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Energy Future, integrates international best practices modeled by our allies abroad in Canada and Scandinavia, and aligns with what we’ve heard in our conversations with community members across the country. Most nuclear experts agree: a single-purpose, independent federal agency is the best solution for managing spent fuel in America in a way that centers equity and justice. We’d be thrilled to see this bill enshrined into law.”

Read Rep. Mike Levin’s office press release and one-pager for more information.